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Keyword: Differentiation

Lindsay Ellis Lee

How Paradigmatic Viewpoints and the Texas State Standards Influence Identification Practices

This article provides district administrators and educators of gifted and talented students with an overview of how gifted identification practices align with each of the ...
think outside the box on school green blackboard . startup  education concept. creative idea. leadership.
Holley Nasky

Gifted Mathematics Differentiation for Elementary

Looking side-by-side at on-level and GT curriculum examples, this session presented at giftED21 discusses how pre-assessment and alignment of both curriculums allow for differentiation and ...
Julia L. Roberts

Preassessment and Reflection: Essential Components for Defensible Differentiation

Preassessment and reflection are essential components of defensible differentiation. After planning, preassessment data provide information to reveal students' readiness and interests in the content while ...
Change concepts with yellow paper airplane leading among white
Joyce VanTassel-Baska

The Critical Issue of Curriculum Differentiation for Gifted Learners

It is timely to consider another critical issue that has impacted the health of our educational institutions. It is the issue of the lack of ...
Male teacher working with elementary school boy at his desk
Julia L. Roberts

Product Assessment: Using the DAP Tool Rather Than Multiple Rubrics

Focusing on product assessment, this article highlights the DAP Tool (i.e., the Developing and Assessing Product Tool) as a protocol for assessing products.
Distance learning online education. A schoolboy boy studies at home and does school homework. A home distance learning.
Sheila Mulbry

Connect Chat: Ideas and Tips for Serving G/T Students in 2020

G/T educators joined together in this Connect Chat for a brainstorm session to share ideas and strategies for successful G/T services during this unique school ...