Write For TEMPO+



Write for TEMPO+

TEMPO+ welcomes resources from educators, parents, and other advocates of gifted education. Resources may focus on all areas of gifted/talented education including policies, applications of research, programs, and practices. TEMPO+ is a peer-reviewed publication and resources are evaluated by members of the Resource Review Council. Please keep in mind the following when submitting:

Some examples of accepted submissions are:

  • Tip Sheet
  • Resource article
  • Models/samples
  • White papers
  • Templates (e.g., program evaluation template)
  • Original research article
  • Original research proposal (requires additional proposal)
  • Videos/podcasts
  • Other 

Manuscripts should be 1,000 to 6,000 words on a topic related to gifted education. Preference will be given to manuscripts in the 1,500-4,000 word range. If your manuscript will be more than 6,000 words, please contact TAGT prior to submission. Please remember that manuscripts will be published online; if your piece is longer, you might consider breaking it into multiple parts. Please contact TAGT for guidance if you wish to submit an audio or video publication.

References and citations should follow the APA style outlined in the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Using the form below, submit an electronic copy, typed, 12 pt. font, double-spaced, Microsoft Word format.  Tables, figures, illustrations, and photographs should be included and each should have a title and be referenced in the text. Submit electronically with Manuscript.

Author(s) is fully responsible for accuracy of quotations, citations, figures, and facts.

Author(s) is fully responsible for securing any rights/permissions to reprint third-part figures, photographs, or tables. Please make sure permission is granted for online publication of these items. If photos include minors, please request a photo release from TAGT to get permission to print minors’ photos.

Author(s) of accepted manuscripts must transfer copyright license to TAGT/TEMPO+, which holds copyright to all articles and reviews and provide permission for the publication to be used for TAGT commercial benefit.

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