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Keyword: Psychosocial Skills

dan lerner
dan lerner
Krystal K. Goree

Passionately Successful: An Interview With Daniel Lerner

With a varied career involving high-achieving people in music, sports, business, and education, Daniel Lerner understands how passion can manifest itself in different ways.
Sally M. Reis

The Underachievement of Gifted and High-Potential Students

When students of seemingly exceptionally high ability perform at levels that are well below their potential, their teachers and parents are faced with bewildering and ...
Eleonoor van Gerven

Preventing and Overcoming Underachievement in Gifted Primary School Students

This article defines and discusses the definition of underachievement, explains the concept of learning, and addresses ways that executive functions and skills influence the learning ...
Screen Shot 2020-07-01 at 2.22.08 PM
Lacy Compton

Student Spotlight: Igniting Students’ Passions Through Mentoring Experiences

The school’s IGNITE! Summer Intensives couples younger students exploring areas of interest with older students serving as Teaching Fellows.
Little asian girl and her friends sitting on an old blue tractor underneath a big leafy tree on the farm having fun playing together
Rachel Renbarger

What the Research Says About Social Influences on the Learning and Development of Gifted and Talented Students

It is important to study those influences that contribute to the social learning and development of gifted and talented students to help them acquire social ...
Glass Half Full Glasses
Claire E. Hughes-Lynch

Twice-Exceptional: Glass, Water, Air, and Divergent Views

Disability and giftedness are not separate from each other, but rather integrally connected.