Parent Webinar: The Emotional Challenges of Gifted & Twice-Exceptional Children & How to Help Them Rise Above Them (Available in English and Spanish)




Our gifted/2e students often experience more adversity in school due to their complex, cognitive nature. They are often misunderstood or thought to be doing fine, when on the inside, they may not be. Low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression are just some of the emotional issues that this population of wonderfully neurodiverse children and teens are prone to struggling with, and some are silently struggling without parents or teachers even aware. Explore the emotional implications of common scenarios in school that fuel difficult emotional challenges for neurodiverse students. Help to remedy these struggles by learning about what parents and teachers can do to create support and resilience.

Learn More About Andrea

Andrea Brucella Finnegan (she/her) is a passionate advocate for neurodiversity and gifted/ twice-exceptional students. She is a SENG community support facilitator and a U.S. national and international speaker of neurodiversity topics among children and professional educators. Andrea has experience advocating for the needs of people of all ranges of abilities. She serves as director for Operation House Call at the Yale School of Nursing, a program that teaches confidence and sensitivity towards individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Andrea is currently a doctoral student at Bridges Graduate School, studying cognitive diversity in education. She is a mom to three wonderful children who inspire her field of work each day.


Nuestros estudiantes superdotados/2e a menudo experimentan más adversidad en la escuela debido a su naturaleza cognitiva compleja. A menudo se les malinterpreta o se piensa que les va bien, cuando en el interior puede que no sea así. La baja autoestima, la ansiedad y la depresión son sólo algunos de los problemas emocionales con los que esta población de niños y adolescentes maravillosamente neurodiversos son propensos a luchar, y algunos luchan en silencio sin que sus padres o maestros se den cuenta. Explore las implicaciones emocionales de escenarios comunes en la escuela que alimentan desafíos emocionales difíciles para los estudiantes neurodiversos. Ayude a remediar estas luchas aprendiendo sobre lo que los padres y maestros pueden hacer para generar apoyo y resiliencia.


10 YouTube Channels that Foster Curiosity in Kids

If you’re looking to rev up your child’s curious mind, try checking out one of thes 10 YouTube channels. Target age ranges are listed for each site, but every gifted kid is different and some younger children will be fascinated by channels listed for older students and vice versa.

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My Child Did Not Qualify: Next Steps

“The data we gathered for your child does not demonstrate a need for gifted services at this time.” As a parent, this statement can result in a wide range of emotions. Knowing what steps to take next may alleviate concern and frustration. This article provides a few suggestions for conversations you can have with gifted administrators in your school district.

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