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Keyword: Ability Grouping

Melanie S. Meyer

What Works: Research About Teacher Beliefs and Student Achievement in Practice

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Marcia Gentry

Total School Cluster Grouping: Improving Student Achievement and Teacher Practices

One way to meet the needs of gifted, high-achieving students, and/or high-ability students in the general elementary classroom is cluster grouping.
tx teachers
Susan Johnsen

Texas GT Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices Survey: Supporting Advocacy Efforts

To examine gifted education practices in Texas, the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented, in collaboration with Baylor University, conducted an online survey to ...
Susan Johnsen

What the Research Says About Curriculum Delivery Models

Curriculum needs to be responsive to gifted learners and address their differences through the overlapping dimensions of concepts, issues, and themes; process-product; and advanced content. ...
Russ Stukel

Gifted Education at the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science: A Model for STEM Talent Development

During the high school years, gifted students should be developing domain-specific talents and the psychosocial skills that are necessary for advanced levels of achievement.