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Keyword: Twice-Exceptional

Cute little boy doing his homework
Cute little boy doing his homework
Debra A. Troxclair

If I’m So Smart, Why Do I…?: The Internal Struggles of Gifted Students With ADHD

One special population within the group of highly able children consists of gifted children who also have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (GT/ADHD).
Corina R. Kaul

What the Research Says Regarding Twice-Exceptional Students

This literature review summarizes 22 articles related to twice-exceptional students and their needs in the classroom.
Michael Flusche

Tips For Teachers: Comedy in the Classroom? Is That a Joke?

Should every teacher become a comedian? No, but I believe comedy can help.
Glass Half Full Glasses
Claire E. Hughes-Lynch

Twice-Exceptional: Glass, Water, Air, and Divergent Views

Disability and giftedness are not separate from each other, but rather integrally connected.
Tonya Trepinski

Designing Learning Experiences for the Exceptionally Squared Student

My son’s instruction was not differentiated to meet the needs of a twice-exceptional student, only to that of a gifted child. Due in great part ...