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Keyword: Teacher Tips

school children drawing math icon on the chalkboard
school children drawing math icon on the chalkboard
Joyce E. Kyle Miller

Tips for Teachers: Curriculum for The Gifted and Talented Student: Theme, Generalization, Topic, and Paradigm

One of the first steps in writing curriculum for the gifted is to begin by making sure that the learning theory that undergirds curriculum is ...
Lacy Compton

Tips for Teachers: Literature to Guide Gifted Students

One of the easiest ways to influence the social and emotional development of gifted students in your classroom is to build a classroom library of ...
Joyce E. Kyle Miller

Tips for Teachers: Student-Created Multimedia Projects As the Gateway to Globalization and Digital Citizenry

Multimedia projects allow students to engage in planning, organizing, and creative processing with the end result being products that can be shared with the global ...
Suzanna Jeyanthi Ramos

Building Academic Literacy of Gifted Children from Poverty Using Mindsketching: Research to Classroom Practice

Despite persistent efforts, schools are greatly concerned with issues of poverty, due to the negative impact of poverty on academic achievement.
6Ps cropped
Andi McNair

6 P’s of Passion Projects

Passion-based learning has become a reality in many classrooms, and it is changing the role of both the teacher and student.
Joyce E. Kyle Miller

Technology Tips for Teachers: Meet TED, the Audio Powerpoint, and Skype

This Tips for Teachers column shares information on TED Talks, Audio Powerpoint, and Skype and suggestions for use in classrooms.