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Category: Social/Emotional

Corina R. Kaul

What the Research Says About Gifted Students’ Resilience

To identify resiliency in gifted populations, this review included articles published since 2004 in Gifted Child Today, Gifted Child Quarterly, Journal for the Education of ...
Michael S. Matthews

Motivation and Gifted Students

This article offers brief overview of one theory of motivation, followed by four specific suggestions, as well as some things to ponder as teachers seek ...
cloud service concept 3d isometric infographic with a man taking out a book from internet
Kimberly A. Hardin

What The Research Says: Perspectives of Individuals Involved in Gifted Education

This literature review focuses on the perspectives of individuals involved in gifted education: gifted students and their teachers, administrators, parents, counselors, and peers.
Brenda K. Davis

Gifted 101: 5 Myths About Giftedness

Myths about giftedness are powerful forces that can alter perceptions about gifted students.