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Keyword: Program Evaluation

A bar graph made of colored pencils shows fluctuations but a general uptrend
A bar graph made of colored pencils shows fluctuations but a general uptrend
Cecelia Boswell

The Evaluation Journey

A G/T program services evaluation journey looks at both the places traveled and any new destination that leads to student achievement.
For Back To School 's Idea
Corina R. Kaul

How To Evaluate Your School or District G/T Program

This article proposes a Formative Evaluation of Gifted Programs Model (FEGPM) that incorporates stakeholder input and the implementation of evaluation findings.
businessman attaching yellow  notes on blackboard with hand drawn stars
Susan Johnsen

What the Research Says About Evaluating Gifted Programs

A literature review of articles that address evaluation of gifted education programming and services.
Todd Kettler

Aligning Assessment, Identification, and Gifted Education Program Services

It is common to find gifted education beginning with the assignment of some students to the category of gifted while other students are intentionally not ...
triangles 2015 1
Susan Johnsen

Relating Identification Standards to Best Practices and Student Outcomes

It is important to review identification standards and consider how they might be implemented in your school and how they might relate to student outcomes. ...
Susan Johnsen

Focusing on Challenges that Influence Gifted Education Programs

This article focuses on the questions how far has education come in serving all of its gifted and talented students? What has influenced these results? ...