Welcome to TEMPO+, your source for relevant resources and peer-reviewed research! Designed by the gifted community and brought to you by the Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented (TAGT), this exciting new content hub is now yours to explore!
Building upon the success and history of the TAGT TEMPO Journal, TEMPO+ blends the research-based, peer-reviewed content of our journal with an online, dynamic, searchable platform to bring members and the gifted community even more resources to meet their needs. Here are a few tips as you explore articles from the TEMPO Journal archives and brand-new resources.
- TAGT Members and eSubscribers can login here to unlock all content. Look for the Member & eSubscriber image below. Not a member? Join TAGT today! Also, districts can now purchase bulk subscriptions for groups of educators and administrators, click here for more information.

- Articles are organized by category: District Leadership, Equity, Identification, Instruction/Differentiation, Parenting, and Social/Emotional.
- Dig deeper into a topic using popular keywords in the right column such as Curriculum, Equity, Programming, Special Populations, and others!

- Looking for something specific? Use the search bar and enjoy!
TAGT strives to positively impact the lives of gifted and talented individuals by providing relevant, innovative programs through an engaged, diverse membership. TEMPO+ highlights nearly 100 authors including G/T experts, new researchers, practitioners, and parents. Our volunteer teams are working constantly to produce new resources for members, and you are invited to engage! Please consider contributing your diverse knowledge and experience to TEMPO+ by sharing your best practices, success stories, samples, or templates, by publishing research, or by working with our team to create videos or audio recordings. More information can be found here or contact tagt@txgifted.org with your next idea!
TEMPO+ is a product of countless volunteer hours and input. Special thanks goes out to past TEMPO Editors, most recently Krys Goree, Ph.D., Cindy Little, Ph.D., Jennifer Jolly, Ph.D., and Michael Cannon, the many present and past members of TAGT TEMPO Editorial and Peer-Review Boards, and all who have contributed to the impressive content for over 40 years, including our regular contributors Susan Johnsen, Ph.D. and Joyce Miller, Ph.D. Thank you to the following TEMPO Task Force members who worked for over a year to review member survey data, conduct focus groups, brainstorm ways to best meet our member needs, and review the final TEMPO+ product: Theresa Biggs, Mary Christopher, Katie Drake, Raine Maggio, Anne Rinn, Karen Otto, Christina Dearman, Lisa Lopez, and Joe Russell.
We look forward to continuing to expand the field of G/T education with you!