Jelani Memory, author of “A Kids Book About Racism” and founder of A Kids Book About publishing company, hosts a conversation about race and how to have conversations about difficult topics with kids. Jelani, a black man married to a white woman, has a blended family of 6 kids and the topic of race comes up often. Jelani wrote a straight-forward book about it called “A Kids Book About Racism” that sparked conversation and interest from all of his adult friends because it gave kids and adults permission to talk about such a difficult topic.

Parent Webinar: Balancing Brilliance: Nurturing Executive Function and Mental Health in Gifted Kids (Available in English and Spanish)
Our gifted/2e students often experience more adversity in school due to their complex, cognitive nature. They are often misunderstood or thought to be doing fine, when on the inside, they may not be. Low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression are just some of the emotional issues that this population of wonderfully neurodiverse children and teens are prone to struggling with, and some are silently struggling without parents or teachers even aware. Explore the emotional implications of common scenarios in school that fuel difficult emotional challenges for neurodiverse students. Help to remedy these struggles by learning about what parents and teachers can do to create support and resilience.