What The Research Says About Being Gifted in Secondary/Higher Education
A literature review of what it means to be gifted in secondary and higher education.
A literature review of what it means to be gifted in secondary and higher education.
In in its third year, the Summer Science Institute (SSI) is a collaboration between UNT’s Talent Search program, the Texas Academy of Math and Science (TAMS), and Strickland Middle School in Denton, TX.
Students who are grappling with content that is advanced beyond their current readiness level need a support structure in place in order to attain higher levels of achievement.
Most educators who have worked with students identified as gifted know that the classic teacher-pleasing student may be recognized as gifted, but more than likely, the truly gifted student may be in that same class—masked by myriad characteristics that too many educators do not associate with giftedness.
One way to meet the needs of gifted, high-achieving students, and/or high-ability students in the general elementary classroom is cluster grouping.
Should every teacher become a comedian? No, but I believe comedy can help.
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