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Keyword: Special Populations

Marcia Gentry

Total School Cluster Grouping: Improving Student Achievement and Teacher Practices

One way to meet the needs of gifted, high-achieving students, and/or high-ability students in the general elementary classroom is cluster grouping.
Cecelia Boswell

The Critical Nature of Quality Professional Learning

The process of PL goes beyond time and money to include best practice based on experience and most current research. The role of the gifted ...
Mind power abstract face thinking evolution sci fi
Katie D. Lewis

Culturally Responsive Gifted Educators: Reaching Every Child, Every Day

Educators must provide a safe, caring, inclusive learning environment, where all students have the opportunities to achieve beyond preconceived ideas.
Lacy Compton

Student Spotlight: Goal: Giving English Language Learners Opportunities for Leadership

Bryan originally just wanted to play soccer. For this Denton student, his district’s unique program, GOAL (Guys/Girls Operating as Leaders), offered him that ability.
Young Hispanic Boys and Girl Walking Near School Bus.
Corina R. Kaul

What the Research Says About Gifted and Talented English Language Learners

English language learners (ELLs) are students whose first language is not English and who are still learning the English language in schools.
Suzanna Jeyanthi Ramos

Building Academic Literacy of Gifted Children from Poverty Using Mindsketching: Research to Classroom Practice

Despite persistent efforts, schools are greatly concerned with issues of poverty, due to the negative impact of poverty on academic achievement.