The Knowledge Cure
Jack Andraka is an 18-year-old inventor, scientist, and researcher. At the age of 15, this teen prodigy developed a patent pending test that has the potential to save countless lives by detecting early stage pancreatic cancer.
Jack Andraka is an 18-year-old inventor, scientist, and researcher. At the age of 15, this teen prodigy developed a patent pending test that has the potential to save countless lives by detecting early stage pancreatic cancer.
What are the implications for teaching, learning, and assessing for the 21st century?
This literature review focuses on the perspectives of individuals involved in gifted education: gifted students and their teachers, administrators, parents, counselors, and peers.
It is common to find gifted education beginning with the assignment of some students to the category of gifted while other students are intentionally not assigned to the gifted category.
Myths about giftedness are powerful forces that can alter perceptions about gifted students.
The Samsung STEM Challenge brought together teams of girls ranging from fourth graders to high school seniors with engineers from the company with the mission of discovering ways to conserve and efficiently use water.
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